This little guy picked up a perfectionist gene somewhere (hmmm...what?) and he's always been particular about how his ideas are portrayed on paper. Translate: he has the idea and tells you how to put it on paper. I remember a head-scratching moment roughly one year ago when I was being directed to watercolor an elephant that looked nothing like an elephant to me...yet I was doing it totally wrong and Kiefer was literally washing off my paper with a wet paper towel correcting me, "no, Mama, his tail is here." Anyone who spends much time with Kiefer has experienced the "hey, can we draw {fill in the blank obsession} and cut them out?" Again, to translate: you draw, you cut, Kiefer directs. Dinosaurs. Dalmations. Elephants. Pirates. Different Dinosaurs. More Pirates. More Dinosaurs.
Then about two weeks ago, he drew stick people. Just one day out of the blue...he drew people! And they were pirates. In a boat. Holding the sails.
A few days later he moved on to dinosaurs. These are "three horns" and one "long neck" that he cut out.
Today he drew these. The top one is a T-Rex with its eggs. The bottom two are a Triceratops family complete with three horns each and some eggs. Eat your heart out Da Vinci!
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