Friday, December 17, 2010

More Occupational Forecasting

Just realized two things: I haven't written a post on the blog for months and several of the posts I HAVE written are about Kiefer's occupational aspirations. What can I say, it's good stuff and I get a real kick out of "I'm gonna be's".

This morning Kiefer carried his breakfast dishes across the room to the sink very carefully and told me "Mom, I'm gonna be a restaurant waiter guy someday."

Oh? Well, you're being very careful so I think you'd do a great job.

"Well, I'm still going to also be a rockstar, too."

If you are shooting for "rockstar" it's like 99% chance you will need to master "restaurant waiter guy" as well along the way... Good plan.

And I can't forget this one:

A couple of weeks ago was "Community Helpers" week at Kiefer's school. All the kids wrote their name on a paper along with the title of their future occupation. Most of the boys went with firefighter, police officer, Batman or Superman. One girl must have said "mom" out loud because all of the girls listed "mom" as their future occupation. Searching the wall, I finally landed on Kiefer's sheet that read, "P r e s i d e n t".

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